
What level are you when you beat borderlands 2 all dlc
What level are you when you beat borderlands 2 all dlc

what level are you when you beat borderlands 2 all dlc

I didn't bother with the DLC, and probably won't go back anytime soon. In the end, I kinda wish i'd waited for it to go on sale, because I didn't really get my $60 out of it.

what level are you when you beat borderlands 2 all dlc

Guild Wars 2 does a very good job at this.īorderlands 2 made me laugh at its characters and plot, and rage at its combat mechanics. Flesh targets allowed me to just spam the Spring Epicenter without worrying about who I was up against and then the poop train came around and. Funnily enough the first half of the dlc was easy since it was all flesh targets. Sounds easy since I’ve done it before on the base game but DLC 4 (Mayhem 10) beat my booty for no good reason. In the future, I really hope they provide level scaling to even the odds and make matchmaking easier. The Objective is to use only Grenades to beat the game. Playing with friends is awkward if you dont play as a group all the time - level differences make it hard for some, and easy for others. Once you beat playthrough two, enemies scale to within 3 levels of you some weak enemies (like Skag Pups) may be level 48, most enemies will be level 49-51. My problem wasn't taking damage, or being out of cover, it was simply not having enough damage output to end a fight before my ammunition was depleted. Maybe i'm just shit at games, maybe I just had savagely bad luck, but I found myself dumping huge quantities of ammo into things and running out constantly, because I really felt underpowered relative to equal level targets. Otherwise you have to continually replay content until you get something nice. Playing with four people looking for different things makes this easy. More players = more loot = more chances something useful for your build drops. You can of course keep minions alive on purpose, simply taking the extra hits, but this feels like it's just a workaround, not an intended solution. With no partners to get you up, you basically have to hope the boss spawns a minion. You're basically SOL if you go down on a boss fight alone. I understand the game gets much harder in TVHM and so far I haven't had much trouble in my first playthrough.Borderlands 2 is vastly skewed towards co-op play. Seriously" which makes all the sidequests level 50 automatically. The reason for my concern is because if I proceed with a TVHM playthrough, I read on the IGN guide that in order to get all the level 50 rewards from quests I should not do any side missions during True Vault Hunter mode until I complete a mission called "You. I really want to start another character but should I wait till after I beat TVHM?

what level are you when you beat borderlands 2 all dlc

Should I do the all DLC before attempting True Vault Hunter mode? Seeing as not all the DLC is currently out yet that might take a long wait. I am close to beating the game but had a question on what to do when I do after the final story mission. As soon as I feel like an area is almost done, I stumble upon another area with a ton more missions. Now that you beat borderlands 3 what is there to do In this video I go over everything that unlocks after the campaign and what you should be doing. Im level 31, and have something like 60 hours played, and I my mission log is still filled. Everything scales exponentially in this game and I'm. How long did it take you to finish Borderlands 2, and what level were you when you did I absolutely love this game, but I dunno, it feels like its never going to finish. I beat the first play through at 30, and at so far I'm at 40 play through 2 at thousand cuts. So I jumped on BL2 during the steam sale and don't have the DLC yet but plan on buying it soon. I kinda doubt that you beat the game at 34, later game, everything would 1 shot you, and explosive pistols do pitiful damage at that level even early on playthrough two.

What level are you when you beat borderlands 2 all dlc